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  • 27 Apr 2018 10:41 AM | Sarah Bickerton (Administrator)

    The 2017 edition of the research magazine Women Talking Politics has now been published. Please check it out here.

    About the 2017 issue

    From the Editors Dr Priya Kurian and Dr Gauri Nandedkar:

    We believe Women Talking Politics continues to offer a vital space for women’s voices in the Political Science discipline in Aotearoa. This year’s issue once again offers critical feminist scholarly engagement with a range of diverse topics, spanning the local to the global. 

    • Curtin, the outgoing president of the NZPSA, reflects on the significance of women’s political representation evident in this year’s national election in New Zealand and the hopes for achieving substantive gender equality. 
    • Moderating that message of hope is a critical reflection from Rahman, a former candidate in both national and local elections and a prominent feminist activist with local and national women’s organisations, on the absence of diversity during the national election. She argues that ethnic representation as currently practised by most political parties is meaningless, and points to the vital need for the amplification and engagement of ethnic voices in public discourse. 
    • Also on elections, but at the local level, is a piece by Drage, who sees the cost of standing for election, increased competition for powerful positions and higher workloads as part of the explanation for why the percentage of women elected to local authorities has remained static. 
    • Rogers-Mott discusses the failure of a range of policies to address income poverty and material hardship that leads to increasing levels of child poverty in New Zealand. 
    • Venturing further afield, Bogado examines the issue of sex-trafficking, in the context of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (the Palermo Protocol). She argues that the criminalisation of the demand for prostitution – a policy measure adopted by many countries – is unlikely to succeed given its failure to address structural causes such as a patriarchal culture. 
    • Jolly grapples with the complexities of gender-based violence and the devastating effects on women in areas of conflict. 
    • Van Noort deploys a three-step narrativist framework of analysis to examine the narrative components of the BRICS group [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa]. 
    • Finally, Devere and Standish explore the position of women in the discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies, tracing the evolution of the field of study, the challenges of gender inequality that women face, and the synergies with women in Political Science. 

    This year’s reflections and research briefs offer an exciting overview of work being undertaken by women political scientists. 

    Snyder thoughtfully considers the efficacy of non-violence in a post-truth era, while Tawhai reflects on her attendance at the 8th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) run by the United Nations in Bangkok on the theme of “building life, giving hope”. An overview of their current work is offered by MacArthur and Berka on local ownership of energy assets in New Zealand; and by Bebell on Russian foreign policy. We also feature some of the recent publications by women political scientists, namely, Spencer’s Toleration in Comparative Perspective; Rupar’s Themes and Critical Debates in Contemporary Journalism; and Kurian’s (with Bhavnani, Foran and Munshi) Feminist Futures: Reimagining Women, Culture and Development (2nd edition). 

    We are pleased to continue to feature work by undergraduate and postgraduate students in political science, including book and film reviews, reflections and creative writing. Townshend reviews the US Television mini-series The Handmaid’s Tale; Kahan reviews a recent film, 20th Century Women; and Nevin contributes a poem Vote, Vote Against the Buying of the Fight. These pieces, along with the longer articles, reflections and research briefs, give us a glimpse into the range and richness of issues that animate and engage women in political science in Aotearoa.

    More information about WTP and back issues are available on our site here.

  • 01 May 2017 6:16 PM | Deleted user

    Wednesday 22nd – Friday 24th November 2017
    University of Otago, New Zealand

    Call for Papers

    For the greater part of the past century, pacifism has occupied a marginal place in international relations scholarship, politics, activism, media, and the wider society. Pacifism is rarely used as the basis for normative theorising about the use of force, and is rarely drawn upon as an important source for thinking about resistance, revolution, security, counterterrorism, peacebuilding, national defence planning, humanitarian intervention, political institutions, and the like. In part, this is due to the persistence of a number of key misconceptions, including that pacifism represents a single homogenous position which rejects any and all forms of force and violence, that pacifism involves inaction in the face of injustice, that it is politically naïve about the reality of evil, and that it is dangerous because it invites aggression. Other important misconceptions revolve around the nature of violence and force, and its purported utility and necessity for engendering political change, civilian protection, and securing politics in the state. The marginal position of pacifism is a puzzling state of affairs, given the noted insights and advantages of pacifist theory in relation to dominant IR theories and popular beliefs, and to recent robust empirical findings documenting the success and positive effects of nonviolent movements compared to violent movements.

    This conference will explore what a new engagement with pacifism can offer to theories of revolution, practices of resistance, security policy and civilian protection, counterterrorism policy, political philosophy and democratic theory, state-building, peacebuilding, social justice movements, and other aspects of politics. Specifically, it will ask the question: To what extent, and under what conditions and circumstances, can pacifism offer theoretical and practical guidance in helping us to face the global challenges of war and militarism, terrorism and insurgency, rising wealth inequality, dispossession and colonialism, social injustice and oppression, political institutional unresponsiveness, and looming environmental catastrophe, among others? An important theme of the conference will explore what indigenous pacifist traditions have to teach Western political philosophy and international relations theory.

    The Conference Organisers invite papers on any of the following broad themes and topics:

    • Pacifism and theories of revolution
    • Pacifism, security, national defence, counterterrorism, and civilian protection
    • Indigenous peace traditions and nonviolent resistance – historical and contemporary
    • The critique of violence, and its implications for pacifist theory
    • Pacifism, the state, democratic theory, and anarchism
    • Pacifism and nonviolent resistance theory and practice
    • Pacifism and religion, Christian pacifism
    • Pacifism and environmental justice

    A selection of conference papers will be chosen for inclusion in a proposed edited volume, and/or a special journal issue.

    The participation of political activists is also greatly encouraged, and there will be panels for activists and scholars to interact, and for activists to tell their stories and raise issues. If you are an activist and want to attend, please send a brief outline of what you would like to discuss.

    Confirmed speakers

    • Professor Duane C. Cady, Hamline University, author of From Warism to Pacifism: A Moral Continuum (Temple University Press, 2010).
    • Professor Erica Chenoweth, University of Denver, co-author of Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict (Columbia University Press, 2011).
    • Professor Brian Martin, University of Wollongong, Australia, author of Nonviolence Unbound (Irene Publishing, 2015).
    • Professor Stellan Vinthagen, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, author of A Theory of Nonviolent Action: How Civil Resistance Works (Zed, 2015).
    • Dr Molly Wallace, author of Security Without Weapons: Rethinking Violence, Nonviolent Action, and Civilian Protection (Routledge, 2016)
    • Dr Jeremy Moses, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
    • Professor Richard Jackson, University of Otago, New Zealand

    Please email paper ABSTRACTS, of no more than 300 words, to peaceandconflict@otago.ac.nz  by 16 June, 2017.

    The conference fee is NZ$120 waged, NZ$50 unwaged. This includes refreshments and lunch during the duration of the conference. Please note: the conference fee does not include accommodation and, unfortunately, we are unable to offer travel grants or other forms of financial assistance.  

    For further information about the conference and/or for updates, please email Professor Richard Jackson: richard.jackson@otago.ac.nz

  • 13 Feb 2017 2:44 PM | Deleted user

    The IPSA's Participation Magazine volume 40 issue 1 is now out. The magazine mentions NZPSA's membership (p28) and information about our 2017 conference and our journal Political Science (p30), as well as:

    • 24th IPSA World Congress of Political Science Recap
    • Marian Sawer & Dianne Pinderhughes, The Poznan Congress
    • Yannick Saint-Germain & Roksolana Bobyk, IPSA World Congress of Political Science 2016: Politics in a World of Inequality
    • Richard Wilkinson, The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger
    • Election of the 24th IPSA Executive Committee (2016-2018)
    • Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, When Elections Fail Twice or More, Can ‘Losers’ Accept the ‘Victors’ as Legitimate?
    • Leszek Balcerowicz, Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
    • National Associations News
    • Research Committees News
    • IPSA Statement on Academic Freedom
  • 05 Dec 2016 5:13 PM | Deleted user

    The 2016 edition of the research magazine Women Talking Politics has now been published. Please check it out here.

    About the 2016 issue

    From the Editors Dr Greta Snyder and Dr Priya Kurian:

    "We find ourselves in a moment both hopeful and deeply disturbing when it comes to the politics of sex and gender... The articles featured here span a range of issues from the local to the global, linking gender and indigeneity with the politics of development, empowerment and resistance. 

    • Curtin contrasts the reluctance in New Zealand to consider gender quotas as a way of increasing the number of women MPs with the outcomes of a recent conference on gender and electoral reform in Penang, Malaysia, which endorsed recommendations, including gender quotas, as a way of both increasing the number of elected women and creating a more inclusive electoral system.
    • Kanem and Norris deploy Black feminist frameworks, intersectionality and the matrix of domination, to explore the marginalization of indigenous Marind people of the Papua province through the ongoing processes of colonization by Indonesia – evident in practices of deforestation, destruction of food sources such as sago, and competition for market space. If sago is part of the Marind’s indigenous identity, then corn is central to Mexico’s national identity.
    • Pantoja describes how women activists, such as Adelita San Vicente, have played a significant role in the fight by Mexican nongovernmental organisations to protect maize from genetically modified varieties.
    • Indigenous women’s resistance is also evident in the colonized Pacific context of Guåhan (Guam), controlled by the U.S., where Frain describes how indigenous Chamoru women have used events such as the Pacific Arts Festival to call for decolonization and demilitarization.
    • The challenges of bringing about structural change despite the possibilities to exercise individual agency is illustrated in Nandedkar’s analysis of a gender empowerment programme in India. Nandedkar turns the lens on a UNICEF-funded Deepshikha project that works with adolescent girls to explore how ideas of rights, volunteerism and community play out in the policy translation of empowerment into local development contexts.
    • Finally, exploring policy enactment in the New Zealand context, Smith describes her on-going work on how schools and parents engage with each other, and the factors that influence such engagement.
    • The exciting breadth of current research being undertaken by women political science scholars is also evident in the shorter research briefs by Schick on critical theory and international ethics; Townshend on the impact of religion on the foreign policy of the United Arab Emirates and Qatar; Greaves on Maori political attitudes and behaviour; and Brower on the gender disparities in the linkage between a Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF) grade and academic rank. 

    In this issue, we have also introduced two new elements designed to encourage women to develop their political voice and engage in politics. First is a section of book and film reviews that features the work of undergraduate women who have taken political science courses. These reviews speak eloquently to the political topics and issues with which they are currently engaged and by which they are animated. Second is a section of profiles of women political science graduates who have gone on to careers in politics."

    More information about WTP and back issues are available on our site here.

  • 05 Oct 2016 11:17 AM | Deleted user

    Australia and New Zealand Public Policy Network Conference


    Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia

    30 January – 1 February 2017

    The Public Policy Network (PPN) is an informal collective of Australian and New Zealand scholars of public policy and public administration. The network holds an annual conference to enable colleagues to present new work, exchange ideas, and network.

    The 2017 PPN conference will be held at Flinders University's CBD campus in Adelaide, South Australia.

    Registration fee: AUD$195

    (students: AUD$50)

    Paper submission: Please send a 300-word abstract to joshua.newman@flinders.edu.au.

    Closing date: Friday, 4 November 2016

    Proposals for themed panels are also welcome.

    Tentative Program:

    Monday, 30 Jan 2017
    11am-4pm: Research Higher Degree presentations and workshop
    5:30pm-8:30pm: welcome reception for all participants

    Tuesday, 31 Jan 2017
    9am-5pm: panel presentations
    6pm-8pm: optional dinner event (not included in registration fee)

    Wednesday, 1 Feb 2017
    9am-5pm: panel presentations

    Thursday, 2 Feb 2017, 9am-12pm: Additional Workshop hosted by Kate Crowley and Brian Head:

    Public Policy Reconsidered: Complexity, Governance & the State

    Please feel free to direct any questions to Joshua Newman (joshua.newman@flinders.edu.au) or Rob Manwaring (rob.manwaring@flinders.edu.au).

  • 03 Jun 2016 6:30 PM | Deleted user

    The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (National University of Singapore), a premier public policy institution in Asia, invites applications for three full-time tenure track positions (rank open) in Public Management. Candidates are expected to demonstrate evidence of a high level of competence in policy-relevant, theoretically sound, and empirically grounded research on public management.

    Applications are particularly invited from candidates with a background in the following areas, in the context of Asia:

    • Public Administration
    • Governance
    • Public Management Reform
    • Strategic Management and leadership
    • Human Resource Management
    • Performance Management
    • Public Financial Management

    Candidates should preferably have a PhD in Public Administration, Public Policy, Organization Science, Management, Political Science or a related discipline; an established record of teaching and research in the area; and an ability to engage with policy and research communities in Asia and around the world.

    Applicants with a distinguished record of scholarship can also be considered for an endowed chair appointment as the Li Ka Shing Professor of Public Management.

    Application Procedure

    Applicants should submit, in electronic form (MS Word or PDF file), the following:

    • Cover note
    • Detailed curriculum vitae
    • Teaching dossier including teaching evaluations
    • Representative samples of course outlines
    • Names of three references
    • Brief statement of past and current research
    • Top 5 publications
    • The courses that you would be interested to teach (please refer to http://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/admissions/ for the list of existing courses)

    Please send the electronic submission to Ms Laura Lim, sppbox92@nus.edu.sg.

    Applicants may submit hard copies to the following address:

    Ms Laura Lim
    Senior Associate Director, Human Resources
    Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
    National University of Singapore
    469C Bukit Timah Road
    Singapore 259772

    The post will remain open until filled. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Interested candidates are encouraged to find out more about the National University of Singapore and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at http://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/ or to email Kanti Bajpai, Chair of the Faculty Recruitment Committee (sppkpb@nus.edu.sg).

  • 12 May 2016 9:59 PM | Deleted user

    Th NZPSA has received notification that we have been formally admitted to the IPSA as a collective member. The NZPSA is now the 53rd country member of IPSA, and will be a voting member at the upcoming IPSA Council, to be held during the next World Congress of Political Science in Poznań, Poland in July

    The IPSA officially announced our membership, along with Iceland's, today on their website http://www.ipsa.org/news/news/ipsa-welcomes-new-zealand-political-studies-association-nzpsa-and-icelandic-political-scie 

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