POlitical Science Journal

Political Science is Aotearoa New Zealand’s only disciplinary political science journal. It was established in 1948 by the Political Science Programme at Victoria University of Wellington, and has been associated with the New Zealand Political Science Association since the Association’s inception in 1974. The journal is currently published by Taylor & Francis.

The journal is included in the ISI Political Science JCR, has a 2023 impact factor of 1.2. It presents original, peer reviewed, high quality scholarship from a range of methodological and theoretical perspectives, particularly but not limited to those with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. It publishes three issues per year, in April, July and October.

Political Science warmly welcomes submissions from members of the Association, particularly on topics related to New Zealand. A report on the submissions made to Political Science between 2012 and 2022 show that almost half the articles published by Political Science includes New Zealand related content, and New Zealand based submitters have the highest acceptance rate for the Journal. For more detail and analysis, read the full report by clicking the button below.

Political Science has a new website. This link directs you to the electronic version of the journal and provides access to all current and back issues directly. It will also direct you to information about the submission of manuscripts.