Grants & Awards

Honorary Lifetime Membership Award

In recognition of the highly valuable service that some members put into maintaining the NZPSA, the 2013 AGM decided to institute a new honorary lifetime membership award. Those wishing to nominate a colleague for the award, please follow the rules and methods below.

A potential candidate can be nominated and seconded in confidence by any current member of the NZPSA. 

Nominations are to be received by the NZPSA Executive Secretary via email no later than the close of business of November 1 in any given year.

The executive will decide on a nominee’s eligibility and its decision will be final. The award consists of a certificate and free lifetime membership of the NZPSA. 

Successful candidates will be announced at the AGM in the same year.

NZPSA BiEnnual Grant

At the 2013 AGM it was decided that we would establish a biennual grant of up to $2,000 for a project that will benefit NZPSA collectively or a significant part of it such as a Network, the Women’s Caucus or the Postgraduate Body. New Networks can be formed for the purpose of applying for funding by gathering ten NZPSA members together and contacting the Executive. NZPSA collectives and individual members are therefore invited to submit applications for project funding by 5pm on the 1st of July 2026 to the President of the NZPSA who will establish a committee to assess them.

Ideas and Rationale for Projects

  1. The sorts of projects we might fund include postgraduate conferences or writing retreats, specialist workshops leading to a significant publication, travel to assist a keynote conference speaker or other events on key political issues linked to the NZPSA annual conference, etc.

  2. The project should benefit a group of people (not just an individual) across institutions, thus offering benefit to the wider NZPSA community.

The 2024 grant applications were due to the NZPSA President on the 1st of July 2024. If no suitable project is presented, the grant will be offered in the following year. If the Committee determines that two equally worthwhile projects exist, the Executive will consider means to offer an equivalent grant for one of the projects in the following year.

Australian PSA Award

APSA will provide the NZPSA President or nominee and one NZPSA postgraduate member free conference registration and a free conference dinner. In return we provide the APSA President or nominee and one APSA postgraduate member free conference registration and a free conference dinner. Australian postgraduates should submit their application to their own association.

In deciding between applicants for the postgraduate award to the APSA Conference, the Executive will consider the quality of the abstract, financial need and length of NZPSA membership. Its decision will be final.

Applications for the 2025 Award must be received by 5pm, July 14 2025. Please see the ‘How to Apply’ section below for details.

UK PSA Award

The UK PSA will offer free conference registration to two NZPSA graduate student members who are presenting papers at the 2024 PSA conference. The NZPSA will select the recipients and provide the names to the PSA. To be eligible, NZPSA student members must first have an abstract accepted by the UK PSA. Once the abstract is accepted, please forward a letter of request to the NZPSA by 16 January 2025. The NZPSA must provide the names to the PSA by a date that will be confirmed (early 2025).

The NZPSA will offer free conference registration to two UK PSA graduate student members who are presenting papers at the 2025 NZPSA conference. The PSA will select the recipients and provide the names to the NZPSA . To be eligible, PSA student members must first have an abstract accepted by the NZPSA. The Call for Proposals submission deadline will be confirmed later in 2025. Once the abstract is accepted, please forward a letter of request to the PSA by 15 September 2025. The PSA must provide the names to the NZPSA by 30 September 2025.

Canadian PSA Award

The CPSA offers free conference registration to two NZPSA graduate student members who are presenting papers at the 2025 CPSA conference. The NZPSA will select the recipients and provide the names to the CPSA. To be eligible, NZPSA student members must first have an abstract accepted by the CPSA. The 2025 Call for Proposals submission deadline was 8 November 2024. Once the abstract is accepted, please forward a letter of request to the NZPSA by 31 January 2025. The NZPSA must provide the names to the CPSA by 15 March 2025.

The NZPSA offers free conference registration to two CPSA graduate student members who are presenting papers at the 2025 NZPSA conference. The CPSA will select the recipients and provide the names to the NZPSA. To be eligible, CPSA student members must first have an abstract accepted by the NZPSA. Once the abstract is accepted, please forward a letter of request to the CPSA by 15 September 2025. The CPSA must provide the names to the NZPSA by 30 September 2025.

How to Apply for PSA Awards

For information on the timing of the conferences see our International PSAs.

Australian, UK and Canadian PSA members must apply to their own association.

NZPSA members interested in applying for these awards need to make an email submission to the NZPSA Executive Secretary. You must include in your submission:

Past PSA Award Recipients

ASPA 2022 recipient:

Kalika Kastein

CPSA 2019 recipients:

Francis Okpaleke and Tamás Dudlák

APSA 2017 recipient:

Clark Tipene (Auckland)

UKPSA 2016 recipient:

Paul Kramer (Auckland)

APSA 2014 recipients:

Chandra Lal Pandey (Waikato)

UKPSA 2014 recipients:

Todd Croad (Otago) and Darren Atkinson (Otago)

APSA 2013 recipients:

Eran Zohar (Otago) and Chin-Kuie Tsui (Otago)

UKPSA 2013 recipients:

Ashley Murchison (Otago) and Ibukinle Adeakin (Waikato)