The NZPSA recognises the importance of its Postgraduate members and aims to foster both excellent research and professional development opportunities. To help facilitate and execute these goals Postgraduate Representatives act as liaisons between postgraduate members and the executive committee. Among other initiatives, the Postgraduate membership has an Annual Postgraduate Pre-Conference Workshop and a communication network established as a forum for discussion, exchange of ideas and the development of relationships among the political studies postgraduate community across Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond. The NZPSA has a range of postgraduate conference prizes and awards for attendance at the UK and Canadian PSA conferences. Our research magazine, Women Talking Politics, also places priority on encouraging the publishing efforts of female postgraduates.
Annual prizes are available at the NZPSA Conference for the best postgraduate papers and there are opportunities to apply for travel/registration awards for postgraduates at the UK, Canadian and Australian PSA Conferences.
For comprehensive information about postgraduate programmes in the United States, please check out the PhDs’ Education Index.
Edna Luah
University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Michael Swanson
University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
Why should you join NZPSA/TKTToA? Read about the many opportunities and benefits to NZPSA/TKTToA membership.
Join the NZPSA Postgraduate Network Group, a private group for academic discussion, event planning, connecting postgraduates.
25 November 2018, Victoria University of Wellington
Political Science & International Relations Doctoral Association (PSIRDA), in collaboration with Victoria University of Wellington, organised an expertly-tailored doctoral workshop, held on 25 November 2018, for PhD candidates attending the NZPSA 2018 conference. The workshop- specifically designed to directly contribute to the careers of emerging scholars in either academic, public, or private sectors- was comprised of 2 strands: in the first section, comprehensive seminars on the art and politics of publishing for emerging scholars, and on mechanisms and optimal strategies for obtaining, and transitioning to, postdoctoral fellowships; in the second section, a networking session with primary stakeholders from private and public sectors- including, but not limited to, representatives from Transparency International, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. As intended by PSIRDA, the combination of the two strands of presented material provided the attendees with not only theoretical knowledge on matters pertinent to academic career, but also facilitated direct contact.
28 November 2017, Otago University, Dunedin.
On Tuesday afternoon, the Otago University Department of Politics hosted a pre-conference event for postgraduate students attending the NZPSA annual meeting. It was a valuable academic and social event for all who attended. A series of seminars and panel discussions examined the ins and outs of publishing as a postgraduate student, study-life balance, and work options for post-postgraduate life. There was also time to discuss and ask questions from former postgraduates who navigated these issues.
The last seminar wrapped up at 5.30 pm and the evening unwound with ten-pin bowling and a restaurant dinner in downtown Dunedin.
The workshop was organised by Annisa Sidi.
2018 Postgraduate Students’ Workshop,
Victoria University of Wellington, 25 November
2017 Postgraduate Students’ Workshop,
Massey University, 29 November
2016 Postgraduate Students’ Workshop,
University of Waikato, 28 November
2015 Postgraduate Students’ Workshop,
Massey University, 29 November
2014 Postgraduate Students’ Workshop,
University of Auckland, 30 November
2013 Postgraduate Students’ Workshop,
University of Canterbury, 4 December
2012 Postgraduate Pre-Conference Event,
Victoria University of Wellington, 26 November
2012 Postgraduate Conference on Power and Politics,
University of Otago, 2 – 3 July
2011 Postgraduate Pre-Conference Event,
The University of Otago