
Network Convenor: Dr. Claire Timperley, Victoria University of Wellington | Te Herenga Waka

The Ako (Teaching and Learning) Network was established in 2022 to promote the development of teaching and learning among NZPSA members. The network aims to support teacher-scholars of political science in Aotearoa, with a particular focus on developing and showcasing best practices specific to our context.


If you wish to join the network and be part of our mailing list, please sign-up to the Association, or if you are already a member login here

Postgraduate students are warmly welcomed.

Regular Activities

The Ako Network meets every month on Zoom to discuss topics and themes broadly relevant to learning and learning. Recent topics have included online learning, curriculum development (especially with relation to mātauranga Māori), the relationship between teaching and research, postgraduate supervision and mentoring. We also develop and share resources related to learning and teaching, and are currently in the process of developing materials to support postgraduate students in Political Science across Aotearoa.

You can find our Roundtable Meeting summaries here:

PAST Events

The Ako Network was responsible for organising the Learning and Teaching Plenary panel at the 2022 NZPSA/TKTToA Conference. Kate Schick, Claire Timperley, Julija Sardelić, and Greta Snyder will present at the the 2022 plenary panel Possibilities in Pandemic Teaching.

In February 2023 the Ako Network held a day-long workshop on mātauranga Māori, supported by an NZPSA | TKTToA grant and the Te Herenga Waka Assistant Vice Chancellor (Mātauranga Māori). If you are interested in learning more about this event, please contact the convenor, Dr. Claire Timperley.