New Zealand Political Studies Association

TE Kāhui tātai tōrangapū o Aotearoa

Celebrating 50 years (1974 - 2024) as a professional organisation for those working in political studies in Aotearoa New Zealand

The New Zealand Political Studies Association | Te Kāhui Tātai Tōrangapū o Aotearoa, or NZPSA, was founded in 1974. It exists to promote and encourage the study of politics involving not just academics, but also students and practitioners, journalists and pollsters. The NZPSA | TKTTOA is a constituent member of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi, and holds a biennial conference that welcomes a range of disciplinary perspectives to the study of politics.

Latest Newsletter

Click here to read the latest edition of NZPSA’s quarterly newsletter.

We have archived copies of newsletters going back to the 1970s.

Conference 2025

The NZPSA | TKTToA 2025 Biennial Conference will be hosted by the University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, on November 19-21, 2025.

For the call for papers and all other information on the conference, click the button below. 

Women Talking Politics

The aim of Women Talking Politics – a mini-journal produced by the New Zealand Political Studies Association – is to promote the work of women political scientists in New Zealand.

The journal welcomes submissions by New Zealand-based women political scientists (both academic staff and postgraduate students).

Read the latest issue here.


Join Now

NZPSA Membership

Ability to attend the NZPSA annual conference.

Opportunities to attend Australian and Canadian Political Science Association Conferences.

Eligibility for international & domestic awards and grants.

Quarterly members' newsletter direct to your inbox.

Access to Network opportunities.

Eligibility for postgraduate conference prizes.

Executive Committee

Jeremy Moses


Sarah Bickerton



Executive Secretary

Upcoming Events