The New Zealand Political Studies Association | Te Kāhui Tātai Tōrangapū o Aotearoa, or NZPSA, was founded in 1974. It exists to promote and encourage the study of politics involving not just academics, but also students and practitioners, journalists and pollsters. The NZPSA | TKTTOA is a constituent member of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi, and holds a biennial conference that welcomes a range of disciplinary perspectives to the study of politics.
Click here to read the latest edition of NZPSA’s quarterly newsletter.
We have archived copies of newsletters going back to the 1970s.
The NZPSA | TKTToA 2025 Biennial Conference will be hosted by the University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, on November 19-21, 2025.
For the call for papers and all other information on the conference, click the button below.
The aim of Women Talking Politics – a mini-journal produced by the New Zealand Political Studies Association – is to promote the work of women political scientists in New Zealand.
The journal welcomes submissions by New Zealand-based women political scientists (both academic staff and postgraduate students).
Read the latest issue here.
Call for Papers: Women and Politics: Looking back, looking forward Paper submissions for Women Talking Politics 2025 are now open!…
The New Zealand Political Studies Association | Te Kāhui Tātai Tōrangapū o Aotearoa (NZPSA|TKTTOA) condemns and opposes the decision announced…
The NZPSA | TKTTOA 50th anniversary symposium went ahead on Thursday 28 November in Ōtautahi Christchurch. It was wonderfully inspiring…
Since October last year we have witnessed a relentless stream of massacres, mass destruction of homes, schools, and hospitals, and…
The 2023 Issue of Women Talking Politics is out now. Click here to read it! E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga…
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