Aotearoa New Zealand Politics Network


Network Convenor: Professor Janine Hayward, University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka

The Aotearoa New Zealand Politics Network was established in 2014 to promote the study of Aotearoa New Zealand politics and to provide a supportive environment for post-graduates, practitioners and researchers of politics in Aotearoa. 

The Aotearoa New Zealand Politics Network is a place for the study of the domestic politics of Aotearoa New Zealand, including research on local government and the study of public policy.

Regular Activities

The network holds zoom seminars regularly throughout the academic year to hear about completed, ongoing and emerging research. These meetings follow a very relaxed and informal style of engagement to encourage broad participation. We particularly encourage participation from post-graduate students, and researchers who are at any stage of their project development.

Seminars from 2021 and 2022 are listed below:

20 May

Joshua Ferrer

Election Lawmaking in New Zealand: A Research Agenda

8 July

Valerie Wallace and
Rebecca Lenihan 

Introducing the People of Parliament Project

22 July

Shirin Brown

Bureacrazy: The local board member experience of Auckland Council processes

26 August

Tohunga Riwai

Media framing of Māori in relation to He Puapua 2021

23 September

Joshua James

Gay Neo-Nazis: queering white supremacy, or, queer white supremacists?

11 June

Luke Oldfield

Populism in criminal justice reform

2 July

Salma Malik   

Online media, politics and young people

23 July

 Luna Zhao

Political marketing and Chinese voters

13 August

Tim Fadgen

Public Policy research

3 September

Maria Bargh

Towards a ‘tika’ political science in Aotearoa New Zealand

1 October

Michael Swanson

The leader of the opposition and MMP

29 October

Will Dreyer

New Zealand select committees

For the upcoming schedule of seminars, please email Professor Janine Hayward.

Upcoming Events

The Aotearoa Politics Network will hold a day workshop in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington on 28 November 2022. This is the day before the online NZPSA/TKTToA conference begins. A catered lunch will be provided for those who can attend in person (Rutherford House), and Zoom will be available for those who want to attend remotely. Registration is free and we particularly welcome post-graduate students to join us.

The purpose of the day is to have a semi-structured round-table discussion about current research projects. We would like to profile research about the local government elections in October and forecast ahead to research planned for the general election next year. We will also run a panel session for post-grad students to share advice and tips about combining conferences and publications with writing a thesis.


The network membership in open to anyone interested in politics in Aotearoa. We particularly welcome post-graduate students, practitioners and scholars who are looking for a supportive, informed and enthusiastic audience for their ideas and research.

If you wish to join the network and be part of our mailing list, please sign-up to the Association, or if you are already a member login here